Local Services


St Oswald's Hospital Walk In Clinic

St Oswald's Hospital holds a walk in clinic for minor injuries or illnesses every weekend and bank holiday from 08:00 to 16:00. 






Urgent Care Centres

Urgent care centres provide fast access to health advice, emergency contraception and treatment for minor injuries and common problems. The closest urgent care centres to Ashbourne are:


Whitworth Hospital, 330 Bakewell Road, Matlock, DE4 2JD

01629 580211

Open 08:00-20:00


Florence Nightingale Community Hospital, Osmaston Road, Derby, DE1 2GD

01332 224700

Open 08:00-20:00


Ripley Hospital, Sandham Lane, Ripley, DE5 3HE

01773 743456

Open 08:00-20:00


Buxton Hospital, London Road, Buxton, SK17 9NJ

01298 214000

Open 08:00-20:00


Derbyshire Befriending

Befriending offers informal support, usually through volunteer befrienders, to people who feel lonely and isolated or would just like a chat with someone now and then. 






Derbyshire LGBT+

Derbyshire's LGBT+ specific support service; supporting anyone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or anyone who is having issues with their sexual orientation or gender identity, including family and friends.